We are moving forward with the mission of providing shipment services that benefit the society and the environment. We dream of a sustainability journey that we walk together with all our stakeholders, with the understanding of a company that is always in pursuit of the new, is growing day by day, is thinking about future generations, and is sensitive to the people and the environment.
While embarking on this journey, we are considering sustainability with all its layers from a general to a special perspective and making it suitable for our company. We are designing our sustainability infrastructure in this direction; from our priority issues to our performance indicators in our economic, environmental, and social focus areas; from rational goals to governance mechanisms. With the understanding that the development of sustainability is a long-term journey, we are setting 2025 as the first target year for the output of our efforts.
We are proud to announce to all our stakeholders that we are the signatory of the UN Global Compact (United Nations Global Compact)1, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. We undertake to develop all the works we carry out in the field of sustainability in line with global goals and to carry out them within the framework of the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact with the awareness of our responsibility.
1. The United Nations (UN) Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative with many corporate and non-corporate members in over 160 countries. The UN Global Compact encourages institutions to take action in cooperation to create a sustainable and inclusive global economy.
In this journey, which we have named the Sustainability Route, we are working hard to achieve all the commitments we have made to our stakeholders based on sustainability within the scope of our corporate goals.
We always prioritize providing fast, efficient, and responsible service to our customers with innovative and sustainable solutions and ensuring operational excellence.
By creating an ethical, egalitarian, and safe work environment that values its employees, we adopt the understanding of an employee ecosystem where employee rights are observed and employee engagement is high.
We are working with our best efforts to fight against climate change and minimize our location and fleet-based carbon footprint with environmental awareness, energy efficiency, and clean fleet projects. We adopt the understanding of an employee ecosystem with high employee engagement.